

Ways to take CBD - KC Hemp Co.®

Ways to take CBD

Ways to take CBD

What a year for human health and what a year for CBD.

An industry is born and according to Gallup, 14% of Americans are already currently using CBD and in just 12 short months this amazing compound has entered our lives.

The potential benefits of CBD can be pain, sleep, anxiety, mood, and energy as well as a list of other disorders and conditions. This has allowed us to take back our bodies and minds and has many of us feeling the best we’ve ever felt.

Whether you were an early adopter or are currently shopping for your first CBD product, we welcome you and always want to make you feel comfortable and informed when you are shopping for your CBD products. Let’s explore the top ways to take CBD to better understand how CBD works and how it can improve our lives. Leave a comment below and tell us your favorite KC Hemp Co. product and we’ll send you something special via email.


Sublingually (under the tongue)

The most common way to take CBD is sublingually or under the tongue. This is done with a CBD Oil Tincture and by allowing the oil to absorb for between 60-90 seconds and then swallowing. By allowing the CBD oil to absorb under your tongue, you are bypassing the gastrointestinal system of your body and activating the CBD immediately in the bloodstream by dissolving the CBD through thin mucus layers under your tongue. A fast onset and the ability to last the duration of several hours makes this a wonderful combination for fast and long all-day relief from work and stressful duties of life. Consult with your KC Hemp Co. Team Member to find the correct strength in mg's for your symptoms or situation and see how wonderful you can feel by using your own Endocannabinoid System.



Topical applications are an incredible way to induce the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD as well as the pain-relief results that can come along with it. Best for spot treatment, topical applications include lotions, creams, oils, balms, and salves and can each potentially bring you the relief we have seen with our own eyes. For some acute and chronic pain, skin conditions, muscle aches and spasms, as well as many auto-immune and arthritis-related symptoms, CBD has shown resolve them by heading straight to the source and calming the body's inflammatory and immune response. With topicals, CBD avoids the bloodstream entirely and is absorbed directly into the skin and muscle tissue so don’t forget to always pair your topical solution with a daily CBD product to create a powerful and winning duo towards better health.


Consumable (Ingestible)

Ingestible forms of CBD include Gummies, chocolates, cooking oils, candies, sodas, drinks, capsules, foods and many more. These are an excellent way to get your daily dose while enjoying a tasty experience and benefitting from the longest-lasting duration amongst CBD methods. Usually infused, CBD consumables are eaten orally and swallowed to begin processing through your digestive tract and spread through your body via the bloodstream. Due to the nature of ingestibles and consumables, please allow 1-2 hours for your body to process the CBD before you start feeling the benefits. Take that into consideration when considering your CBD dose and designing your CBD regime. A KC Hemp Co. Team Member will be able to assist you with this process. Consumables are a great option and children love them as well.


Water Soluble (Liposome)

A liposome is nanoparticle delivery method and may even increase the bioavailability of CBD. Liposome delivery utilizes the latest in nanotechnology and is a great way to reach your daily CBD goals. Simply add Liposome CBD to the drinks you already consume or mix into a smoothie and enjoy. Higher bioavailability could mean more effect with less mg, but we are still learning. Study findings in 2020 and beyond will be incredible to see leading to the question: Will nano-delivery be the future of CBD? For now, it's an incredibly effective and easy way to activate your Endocannabinoid System to begin regulating your body. With this method, as well as with the tinctures mentioned before, liposome delivery enjoys a faster onset time leading to quicker relief which means you getting getting back to life faster and back to your best self.


Inhalation (vaporization)

For even faster availability and absorption vaporization is the way to go. Bypassing the digestive system and entering the bloodstream through the lungs, this way of using CBD is great for overwhelming times (think traffic or giving a big speech at work) and especially anxiety attacks. A quick dose of vaporized CBD and seconds later the compound is working in your system and beginning to calm and balance your body's systems. Many enjoy this as a carry-with-you-always type of product for when stress begins to creep in. Inhalation CBD usually comes in cartridge form, vape juice, or vape additive and should be considered another great tool in your CBD toolkit.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding vaping, specifically CBD and THC vapes. Please stay tuned for our blog addressing these concerns. There are still so many unanswered questions. MAKE SURE YOU ARE BUYING YOUR VAPES FROM A TRUSTED SOURCE THAT PROVIDES CERTIFICATES OF ANALYSIS. Keep in mind, at KC Hemp Co., we vet our vape products and are supercritical of where they come from and what they are made of. We do not sell any products that contain ANY additives, including PG or VG and all of our products come with third party lab testing and a certificate of analysis. Your health and safety is our TOP priority. More information on this topic to come.


CBD Isolates

An odorless and tasteless powder form of CBD is called CBD isolate. Made by how it sounds, CBD isolate is CBD naturally isolated from the other compounds of the hemp and cannabis plant in an extraction process. The leftover product is a crystalline product called CBD isolate and is 99% pure CBD. There are many benefits to using pure CBD isolate including cost, dose control, and versatility. Place under your tongue for immediate results or mix into your favorite drink or food. Pro tip: Infuse into honey by heating and stirring for an amazing way to enhance your morning bagel and jumpstart your Endocannabinoid System for the day. If swallowing oils, capsules or pills is a problem for you, this may be a great solution for you to enjoy the potential benefits of CBD.



Given the versatility of CBD and how fast the market is growing, there are many other great ways to use CBD. Others include bath salts, roll-on applicators, skin and hair care products, beverage enhancers, foods, toothpicks (yep), gum, nasal sprays, oral sprays and many many more.

Opportunities are endless to welcome this plant and compound into our lives. Millions of people are now utilizing hemp and awakening to the benefits it could potentially hold. CBD is only one of the many 100+ cannabinoids (compounds found in the cannabis/hemp plant) and we are still discovering what CBD can really do. This is only the beginning, my friends. Major cannabis and hemp research is ongoing and results will trickle in as studies conclude and as science confirms what nature has always taught us: Mother Nature knows best. We are digging into the mechanisms behind this wonder growing from our earth and we are just now beginning to rebuild our relationship with it. Please call us at 913-242-7380 or reach us at


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always check with your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program.


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