

Tips for Dog owners during firework season - KC Hemp Co.®

Tips for Dog owners during firework season

Summer is upon us and many folks are getting re-acquainted with their normal social lives. It's the time for backyard BBQ’s, happy hours on the porch, fun in the sun with our friends and family, enthusiastic parties with loud music and the occasional firework display as we head into July 4th weekend!

America’s great Independence Day celebration is one of the best day of the year unless you’re a dog deathly afraid of loud noises. A scared dog is a flighty dog and fireworks are major concern for causing a dog to run away in fear. In fact, New Years Eve and Fourth of July are the two biggest days of the year when pets go missing. It’s no surprise here the correlation is fireworks. 

Firework frenzy for our four legged furry friends. 

Say that 5 times fast! And while you try to, remember to put your pets needs at the forefront of your summer celebrations. As neighborhood kids and pyro-enthusiasts across the nation gear up for a summer of booms, it's imperative to make sure your pet is prepared and comfortable to make it through the chaos!

Ask yourself this question. Is my fur ball ready for all the ruckus? 

If you have a pet that trembles at the rumbles of thunderstorms and fireworks, here are a few tips on how you can make them more comfortable as we move through the summer storms and shenanigans. 

Pro Pet Parenting Tips 

Keeping pets safe during fireworks is a pet-parent responsibility. Consider implementing these tips and tricks below to ensure your pet stays cool, calm, and collected over the course of 4th of July and the rest of summer. 

1. Give your pet a daily dose of CBD 

Dogs in particular have twice as many endocannabinoid receptors in their bodies as humans. Giving your pet a daily dose of CBD can tremendously help their ability to stay calm during storms and loud firework displays. CBD for pets has a great potential to ease your dog's anxiety. Plus, cannabinoids have a bonus! Not only do they have great potential to help with your pets anxiety, but they've also shown promise in relieving any arthritis or inflammatory pain issues your pet is experiencing. 

For best results, give your pet a dose of CBD everyday for a week leading up to this year's Independence Day celebration. Don’t forget these same tips can be applied to help alleviate stress from thunderstorms too.  We recommend using our THC-free, broad spectrum CBD oil tincture. CBD oil can be added on top of a treat, in their food, or even directly into their mouth for best results. Purchase some today so your pet is ready to stay calm when storms and fireworks begin to aim at our pets' sanity. 

2. Keep Pets inside

When preparing for fireworks celebrations make sure to let your dog out to potty before the festivities begin. Keep them cool and inside until celebrations cease. Did you know dogs are 30% more likely to run away or get lost between July 4th and July 6th every year? That is an alarming spike in runaway dogs. Keep your pet safe and inside as much as possible!

3. Leave white noise on inside

To minimize the amount of noise your pet hears from outside you can use a white noise in the form of the television, radio, or even a loud box fan to drown out the booms and crackles happening all around. Whether your dog is a Kenny Chesney fan, or prefers Nicki Manaj, don't be afraid to give them something to listen to too!

4. Make them Feel safe

Be sure to make your pets know they have a safe place to lay or hide during the storm. Many dogs will retreat under the bed or even in the bathtub, anywhere that gets them away from the noise and rumblings. Consider putting down their favorite blanket or stuffed animal. 

If your pet is crate trained add coverage over the kennel to help them feel secure. If they go run and hide under the bed, let them stay there until they feel safe to come out. Giving your pet extra attention with love and kind affirmations will also help ease their anxieties. 

5. Give them good morning exercise 

Taking your dog to the park, or for a long walk prior to festivities will help wear them out giving them less energy to be concerned or feel the need to flee the noise. Most fireworks and festivities begin after lunch with more and more activity as the day turns to night. Getting an early start on taking your dog for a walk or outdoor exercise can be a good way to avoid them getting spooked while burning off their energy. By going for morning walks and exercise, it will help them rest easier throughout the day. 

6. Weighted dog vest

Have you ever used a weighted blanket to sleep? It’s like a warm hug that never leaves you. Dogs love weighted vest as it gives them the same secure feeling. You can purchase “Thundershirts”  for dogs to use during storms and fireworks. 


How much CBD should I give my Dog?

If you’ve never used CBD for your dog, we recommend starting low and slow. Every dog's Endocannabinoid System is different, some more sensitive than others. A good rule of thumb when starting out is 1mg of CBD per 10 pounds. That's a low dose starting point. If you don’t notice much relief for your pet, slowly increase his or her dose until you reach an optimal amount. This is another reason we recommend starting early to increase the odds of effectiveness

Check out this image for reference. 

Because there are very little studies on pets and THC we always recommend using a THC-Free Broad Spectrum CBD product to ensure your pet is comfortable.

Have a plan in place 

However you choose to care for your pet, make sure you have a proper plan in place. Be sure to have your dog's collar on with identification such as their name and a number or address to call in the unfortunate event that your dog does get out and runs away. Taking precautions ahead of time will ensure that your dog remains safe and everyone can enjoy themselves through the nation's patriotic celebrations. 

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